2020 Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1
12.625 Km's & 5.086 upper hours
- 52 meter boom (+ boom extension V2(10M), 2x V3 (5M)
- 62 M Fixed jib
- Double sheave 56 ton support jib
- 91 meter Luffing Jib
- 3 winches
- Superlift TY with excentre (VE)
- 18x8x18 drive
- 16R25 Tires
- 145 Ton 5 sheave hook block
- 95 Ton 3 sheave hook block
- 42 Ton single sheave hook block
- 204 Ton counterweight
- Boom removal
- Engine for USA
- All service done
Pricing to Inlclude....
Quick Boom Disconnect
New 20.R25 Tires & Wheels
LMI Conversion
English Manuals
Fully Serviced
Delivered to preferred port