1996 Manitowoc

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S/N 2505034, 1996, 200’ Boom, Drum, Updated 1” Sheaves and Cable, New Paint in 2018. Located in Cleveland, OH. POR.

Part Details

  • Type:

  • Jib (Luffing)
  • Make:

  • Manitowoc
  • Name:

  • Manitowoc+%23133A+Luffing+Jib
  • Location:

  • Cleveland, OhioUnited States
  • Condition:

  • Used
  • Price:

  • Inquire for Price USD

Seller Contact Information

  • Contact:

  • Shaune Rados
  • Title:

  • Director of Sales
  • Address:

  • Cleveland, OH 44125, USA
  • Phone:

  • 216-524-6550
  • Fax:

  • 216-525-3683